
Career Opportunities

Working at SCA

At Sustainable Capital Advisors, our experienced and innovative team works to galvanize climate finance solutions to scale the deployment of inclusive sustainable infrastructure. We are visionary, creative, climate, and energy thought leaders dedicated to expanding access to capital and climate investing for all communities. Sustainable Capital Advisors hires for full-time positions and fellowships. Our openings are posted below.


Employment at SCA

See our available opportunities for full-time and part-time employment as well as fellowship openings below:

Fellowships at SCA

Our fellowship program is a terrific way to learn about the sustainable infrastructure sector, develop practical business skills, find a mentor, build your network, and get real-world experience before graduation.


Fellowship program at a glance


number of years program has operated


Fellows that have participated in the program


number of schools represented by Fellows


number of countries represented by Fellows

About the fellowship

As part of the SCA team, fellows will work with senior members to support existing and new client engagements by providing financial modeling, quantitative analysis, industry analysis, markets research, proposal preparation, and communications.


Our program is comprised of three key components

Project Based Work Assignments
Sustainable Capital “University”

Project Based Work Assignments

Each fellow is assigned 2-3 projects consisting of both active client engagements and business development targets. Interns are integrated into existing project teams and provide valuable analysis, research, and general support to the overall client efforts.


Sustainable Capital “University”

Sustainable Capital "University" (SCU) provides fellows with weekly training taught by senior SCA members and leading experienced professionals on a variety of topics providing real world context to information students learn in academia.

SN – Breakout w Harshul (Spring 2017)


Each fellow is assigned a SCA mentor who is responsible for providing active coaching and supervision throughout the fellowship. Fellows will work with their mentor and other SCA employees throughout the duration of their fellowship.

Sample of where our fellows have gone to work

Fellowship testimonials

Read about the experiences of our previous fellows!

I cannot recommend SCA’s fellowship program highly enough.

As someone who has done quite a few internships that mostly involved administrative tasks, I was really impressed when I was handed a fairly significant solo project on my first day. SCA is serious about giving their fellows independent responsibility, but the whole team is also incredibly supportive whenever I need guidance, so I never feel like I’m on my own. Trenton is a great leader: he takes time to make sure the team knows what he’s looking for, makes himself available to answer the smallest questions even though he’s insanely busy, and gives really constructive feedback. I feel so lucky to have received the opportunity to work on such an intelligent and supportive team. The fact that SCA works on mobilizing capital to build a more sustainable future is the icing on the cake! Text Style

Cecilia Young, Summer 2020 Analyst

Georgetown University M.S. in Foreign Service, Global Business & Finance

During this internship, I was always supported by the SCA team, which has been incredibly helpful and encouraging.

Coming from a data science background, I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to apply my experience in data analytics to the world of renewable energy and project finance at SCA. From drafting an action plan, designing system architecture, to building data models and conducting research on applicable machine learning algorithms, not only did I greatly expand my knowledge in product management, but I also learned to lead and manage my own project. During this internship, I was always supported by the SCA team, which has been incredibly helpful and encouraging. I benefited greatly from finance lectures, vibrant discussions, and constructive suggestions from my supervisor. I have grown tremendously from this internship and I truly enjoyed my time at SCA.

Karen Wang, Summer 2020 Analyst

University of Pennsylvania, Data Analytics & Social Policy

The fellowship at SCA is ideal for anyone interested in clean energy and finance but who might not yet have the background to land a full-time job in the field.

The fellowship gave me the experience to start my career while introducing me to a fantastic team. I did challenging work for clients on a community solar proposal modeling tax equity, solar credits, and leverage. This modeling experience was important when interviewing for full time roles in finance. I also conducted research as part of business development work and for my fellowship brief on renewable asset back securities. Most importantly, the SCA team was supportive and fun. I gained a lot of feedback, which is important to anyone in college or who has recently graduated. I enjoyed getting to know my colleagues, eating lunch with them every day and during team happy hours. The highlight of my fellowship was definitely a volunteer day that the other fellow and I organized during which the SCA team volunteered at a farm and some even brought their families to help out. My fellowship was a happy time in my life and prepared me well for an interesting career. I stay in touch with Trenton and the team and could not be more complimentary of the experience.

Max Felix, Spring 2019 Analyst

Cornell, Applied Economics and Management

While interning with Sustainable Capital Advisors, I grew intellectually, professionally, and personally.

The SCA team is close-knit and supportive. They are as passionate about their work as they are about the development and well-being of their co-workers. This environment allowed me to learn by doing without fear of failure. During my internship, I gained skills in finance, data analysis, written communication, and specific subjects within sustainability such as onshore power cruise ports, green financing structures, and market participants. I was exposed to opportunities to connect with other professionals and learn more about SCA’s partners and clients. The team encouraged me to pursue projects that were meaningful to me and supported my professional interests, making my work dynamic and personally significant. Going forward, I am confident in my skills as an analyst and problem solver. SCA encouraged me and gave me the tools to be self-reliant. I left with a better understanding of sustainable infrastructure financing, a strong portfolio of work, and a network of support.

Morganne Blaylock, Summer 2018 Analyst

University of Texas at Dallas, Mechanical Engineering

My experience at SCA helped me become a young professional in energy.

I very much enjoyed my time at SCA. I worked on various renewable energy projects doing qualitative and quantitative research as well as building financial models. The thing I like the most about the SCA internship program is that you become a ‘manager’ of your own project. Once you are assigned a project, you are responsible for the project from A to Z. I conducted a research, got valuable feedback from my supervisor, spoke with the clients, and went to the meeting. My experience at SCA helped me become a young professional in energy.

Adela WooJung Kim, Summer 2017 Analyst

John Hopkins SAIS, International Economics

One of the most beneficial aspects of this internship were the weekly crash courses in various topics such as finance and the renewable energy sector.

Interning at SCA has answered a lot of questions I had about energy markets and the factors that influence it. SCA pushed me as an intern to conduct proper research and to learn about what it takes to be an effective analyst. With SCA being a growing company, interns were given active projects ranging in all areas of the renewable energy sector. One of the most beneficial aspects of this internship were the weekly crash courses in various topics such as finance and the renewable energy sector. Lastly, the SCA team was very welcoming, which allowed me to get comfortable with asking questions and getting the best out of my internship experience.

George Nkpubre, Summer 2016 Analyst

Howard University, Mechanical Engineering

I am very grateful for my time here at SCA and recommend the program to anyone interested in energy economics, policy and finance.

My internship with SCA has been an amazing opportunity to learn about business development in the clean energy sector. It has provided immediate opportunities to undertake real-world energy and sustainable infrastructure projects, supporting work that is driving the national dialogue on climate change, emerging technologies and clean energy finance. There are so many new markets that are working to reduce our environmental impact and it has been wonderful to work on a variety of projects ranging from solar to public transit. Aside from providing an enriching work experience, the program creates an inclusive environment in which every intern feels like an essential member of the team. I am very grateful for my time here at SCA and recommend the program to anyone interested in energy economics, policy and finance.

Samantha Buchalter, Summer 2016 Analyst

George Washington University, Environmental Resource Policy

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